Online British Education for International Students from United Kingdom

If you are seeking a reputable British online school to study from UK to provide your child with a quality education, Al-Rushd Independent School is your ideal destination.

For families residing or working abroad in UK or for UK students seeking a British curriculum-based education, Al Rushd stands out as the ideal academic institution.

In a landscape where conventional international schools may not always be conveniently located, our innovative online platform offers a solution that saves you valuable time, eliminates the need for travel, and reduces expenses associated with attending traditional English schools in the country.

Why Al-Rushd is the perfect online school for your child?


  • Al-Rushd Independent School’s online platform offers advantages over traditional English schools in UK.
  • Educators focus solely on teaching without disruptions or behavioral issues.
  • Students have 24/7 access to lesson recordings for exam preparation and review.
  • Our innovative teaching models promote rapid progress and allows students more time for extracurricular activities.
  • Each student has a personalised experience similar to a physical school.
  • Staff availability for parents and guardians facilitates close monitoring of student progress.


Expert Tutors

One of the key advantages of Al-Rushd is the caliber of our experienced tutors. Our team comprises highly qualified educators with extensive experience in delivering online education. They are dedicated to providing personalised support to each student, guiding them through their academic journey with expertise and enthusiasm. Whether you need help understanding complex concepts, preparing for exams, or seeking career guidance, our tutors are here to help you succeed.

Range of Subjects

We understand that every student is unique, with their own interests, strengths, and career aspirations. That’s why we offer a comprehensive range of subjects to choose from, allowing students to tailor your studies to align with individual goals during secondary and sixth form. From mathematics and sciences to history and languages, our diverse curriculum caters to a wide range of academic interests.

Flexible Learning Environment

Al-Rushd is designed to provide students with the flexibility they need to balance their studies with other commitments. Whether you’re juggling school, work, or extracurricular activities, our online platform allows you to access course materials, engage with tutors, and collaborate with classmates at your own pace and convenience. With 24/7 access to our virtual learning environment, you can study whenever and wherever it suits you, without the constraints of a traditional classroom setting.

Do you have any questions? Contact us!