Al-Rushd Independent School is happy to have your child enroll at our school. To ensure that the best is given to your child, we have a set of rules outlined by the school, to clearly define conditions, which will be the base for an agreement between the parent and the school. We advise you to read them carefully.

The outlined conditions are a legal binding agreement for the provision of educational services to the students.


Our school has sought to draft the terms and conditions in a clear and free language and where relevant, a free jargon. It legally binds you and Al-Rushd Independent School on one agreement. This agreement clearly outlines the terms and conditions that apply, after your child has been accepted into our school. After managing to have your child enrolled at our school, you automatically agree to the terms and conditions. The wordparents is repeatedly used because they are the main audience for this part.


This outlined agreement will remain effective from when your child begins learning at our school to when he or she concludes the end of Year 11, and all payable fees and charges have been paid. If your child decides to continue to the Year 12 or 13, the agreement remains effective until she or he completes Year 13 and pays all fees per the Condition 5 below.


Parents are given the authority to authorise the Head Teacher at Al-Rushd Independent School. They may also decide to nominate anauthoriseddeputy to carry out such action in case the Head Teacher is considered incompetent and does not work in the best interests of the students.

  1. FEES

Al-Rushd Independent School website contains all the fees and other payable expenses. It also outlines when they should be paid and for what purpose.

We ensure that the fees payable each academic year remains stable, even though it sometimes increases. However, when this happens, parents are notified earlier, that is, at least 30days before the increase takes effect. It helps prevent any inconveniences since the parents will be prepared for the changes. All the fees and other expenses are paid jointly into the school account, to avoid any future liabilities for those who sign the Conditions of Attendance.

When a student at Key Stage 3 and 4 decides to discontinue tuition, they are not entitled for any refunds paid for the additional subjects.

The Academic Deposit can only be refunded after the completion of the academic year, attainment of a receipt of public exam results from the Head Teacher and full payment of any outstanding fees.

Those who fail to pay their fees on time face the risk of being excluded from attending classes and other school activities until the entire amount, or an agreed-upon payment plan is provided. Parents are expected to pay the full fees amount, costs and charges, including legal fees, and any additional expenses because of failure to deliver on time or to pay at all.

The non-UK resident Pupils Academic Deposit is equal to one school terms fees.


Parents are allowed to withdraw their child from our school at any point by giving a minimum notice of one term (three months) to leave the school. The notice should be delivered through our email Parents should note that the only acceptable way to give notice is strictly through email. Prior consultation with the Head Teacher before the student’s withdrawal from our school is advised to avoid missing on chances. The notice can be retracted once after which the decision made becomes final. If the student still wishes to remain at our school, he or she will have to go through the application process to secure a place at the school.

Students in the year 6, 11 and 13 do not have an option of leaving school at any point prior to the end of the academic year, and the notice of withdrawal does not apply to them.

For pupils in year 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 or 12, the notice of withdrawal can be given at any time. A leaver’s fee of £500 will be applied if the parent or guardian decides to withdraw the student from our school at any point before the end of an academic year. However, if the full academic year fee is paid, the student will not pay the leaver’s fee. The notice to leave school should be given not later than the last day of school during the Summer Term.

The essence of paying the leaver’s fee is to cater for any pre-estimated losses we could make as a school. It also serves to create a stable environment with adequate human resources and effective planning.

To avoid any doubt, if we don not receive any notice from you before the final lesson of the Summer Term then the student will be allowed to attend lessons for the entire academic year and will be automatically re-registered for the following academic year, hence the condition for the new academic year will apply.


At Al-Rushd Independent School, we uphold great respect and privacy of students, and we always have their best interests at heart. Being an online school, our school uses social media on a daily basis, where students are also expected to appear. They access various things, including videos, photographs,posts and sound recordings relevant in the learning process. To accomplish this, weseeks consent from parents and the students as well, before anything is published.

As a school, we may also decide to release various information to the press or on our school website. If the data is deemed reasonable and essential, the students and their parents will be asked for consent before publication.


Al-Rushd Independent School is responsible for ensuring the learners’ correct use of the school’s facilities. However, the student will be held accountable for any inappropriate use of our school website, the online social community website or personal mail account. It will also be viewed as a breach of our school’s rules and regulations, resulting in punishment. Parents are expected to allow us to monitor the mail services of the students at any time.

Passwords will be used to protect students’ mail accounts. They will be protected from inappropriate contacts and messages. They will only contact other students and the staff in authorised classrooms, email accounts, message boards, lessons, and online communities set up by the school.

We will also verify students’ identities before authorising or accepting any interaction with the school.


The personal information given by the parent and the students enrolled at our school is only used for administrative purposes, including:

  • Control of the curriculum.
  • Publication of examination results.
  • Giving references.
  • Management purposes.
  • Analysis of educational practices.
  • Marketing and public relations.

The information shall not be used in any other way if not for the management of our school and the good of both the school staff and the students. It can only be disclosed to agents and service providers who ensure that the above are fulfilled.

The parent needs to understand that completing this document means agreeing and consenting to what our school intends to do with the students’ information. Consenting also includes allowing sensitive personal data, for instance, relating to the student’s health, religion, and ethnicity, to be used by the school for its management purposes. A copy of the child’s information is kept to cater to any parent who might need a copy to either correct or update the information it contains.

Al-Rushd Independent School will take all necessary precautions and use spam and virus protection to the students and staff’s mail web accounts. However, we are not to be held accountable for any unwanted emails on the students or anyone else’s mail account.

Recording all lessons is part of our school’s policies to enable easy students’ access the information after it has already been taught for revision purposes. The recordings are secured using the school’s software providers’ servers.

Once a parent signs the agreement, they permit our school to contact all examination centers where students take their exams to have the results released to Al-Rushd Independent School.


Parents MUST ensure that children are provided a suitable and relaxed place where they can study comfortably. Al-Rushd Independent School is not responsible for the students’ learning environment.

  1. Login Credentials

The students’ usernames and passwords are not to be used by anyone else apart from the owners to help maintain information security for every learner.


The Head Teacher at our school ensures the safety, well-being and educational advancement for each student at Al-Rushd Independent School. He also has the authority to discipline students and the staff appropriately. Parents and learners are expected to accept the authority of the Head Teacher unconditionally.

Concerning serious disciplinary cases, the Head Teacher has the authority to suspend or expel a pupil. The parents give the Head Teacher authority to utilise his power in case any disciplinary action needs to be taken. They are also informed immediately if the student is found to require severe disciplinary action and explained to the circumstances leading up to the student’s suspension.


The Laws of England and Wales govern this agreement’s construction, validity, and performance in all respect. Please ensure to read and understand all the sections of the agreement, especially pertaining fees and notice period.


In case you are an EU resident, you are allowed to cancel this agreement within the next fourteen days after signing without explaining your reasons. However, if your child join any of our lesson or take any of our services by log into our school platform then you waive that right to cancel and accept that you are bound by our early termination clause in the contract.