Taraweeh Salah at Chobham Academy
Secondary Entrance
Assalamu Alaikum wrb
Dear brothers & sisters,
We are pleased to inform you that by the grace of Allah (SWT) we will be performing taraweeh salah at Chobham Academy this Ramadan inshaAllah.
- We have facilities for women
- Please perform Wudu at home to reduce the pressure at the prayer hall.
- Please bring your own comfortable prayer mat, as we will only provide paper mat inshaAllah.
All brothers and sisters are requested to keep the noise down outside after salah.
We have limited spaces, to book a space you must register online via eventbrite.
For updates and Salah timetable please join our WhatsApp group.
Jazaka’Allahu Khaira
CALL: 07956359798