Al-Rushd Independent School website contains all the fees and other payable expenses. It also outlines when they should be paid and for what purpose.

We ensure that the fees payable each academic year remains stable, even though it sometimes increases. However, when this happens, parents are notified earlier, that is, at least 30days before the increase takes effect. It helps prevent any inconveniences since the parents will be prepared for the changes. All the fees and other expenses are paid jointly into the school account, to avoid any future liabilities for those who sign the Conditions of Attendance.

When a student at Al Rushd Independent School decides to discontinue tuition, they are not entitled for any refunds paid for the additional subjects.

The Academic Deposit can only be refunded after the completion of the academic year, attainment of a receipt of public exam results from the Head Teacher and full payment of any outstanding fees.

Those who fail to pay their fees on time face the risk of being excluded from attending classes and other school activities until the entire amount, or an agreed-upon payment plan is provided. Parents are expected to pay the full fees amount, costs and charges, including legal fees, and any additional expenses because of failure to deliver on time or to pay at all.

The non-UK resident Pupils Academic Deposit is equal to one school terms fees.